The Invasion of Iraq had toppled Saddam, but the victory was short lived. Soon unrest began to settle among the people and former Iraqi service members and foriegn terrorists alike began to train and equip insurgents in Iraq. This promised prolonged violence long after the "Mission Accomplished" sign was taken down. In the end, the insurrection in Iraq would take many more Coalition lives than the actual invasion. Armed with Kalashnikov rifles (AK-47's), Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG's), and the feared Improvised Explosive Devices (IED's), the insurgents wreaked hell on Coalition troops. In order to locate an article on this site about the insurrection, type in the word "insurgent" in the tool bar above. Or you can choose from the list below.
Insergent "House From Hell"
Black Ops and Black List One
NatGeo: Inside Iraq ( Media )
Fighting Terrorism in Iraq Part Two: The Insurgency
Anti-War Music ( Media )
Interview with an Iraq Veteran
Insergent "House From Hell"
Black Ops and Black List One
NatGeo: Inside Iraq ( Media )
Fighting Terrorism in Iraq Part Two: The Insurgency
Anti-War Music ( Media )
Interview with an Iraq Veteran